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  1. #1

    Help wanted! Acceleration and jerk. I do not get it... FLSUN Cube printer


    Trying to enhance the quality of my prints. My Cube is very sensitive to vibrations and the "ringing" in the models are severe.
    I tried to lower the jerk and acceleration via Reptier eeprom config (please note that Im half a mile away from knowing what Im talking bout here...)

    I lowered the jerk from 17 (as it was set default) to 10 and then further more down to 5. Still no effect. I then started to laborate with the acceleration settings and lowered the Maximum acceleration down from 1000 to 500 on X & Y and also lowered the feedrate down from 250 to 100. No effect on the ringing... and the printer seems to go just as hard as before.
    I noticed that the field for just "Acceleraton" is set as "0" as default. Is this correct? And what does this mean? Could it be that a 0 is equal to switching of the acceleration and therefor the printer tries to go from 0 to 60 instantaneously? Would it be better to set a number like 200 instead of 0? Or any other number?

    I will secure the printer into the walls today trying to get rid of the problem but I fear that this may cause other issues like missed steps etc. due to stiff frame and high acc / jerk.
    Can you spot any other problems with my config according to the pic.?

    Please help!!

    /// M

  2. #2
    Ok, so I will answer my own question here since I have made som testing. It can be nice for someone else with a similar question to find an answer I guess...

    According to my testing the 0 value in the eeprom means that the acceleration is instantaneously. I could not see an difference in print quality when changing only the jerk and leaving the acc. at 0. I tested to set the acc. to 500 (which is very low) and BOM! the printer runs much MUCH more smooth. On the downside though, the calibration cube took over 50 min to complete compared to the original 35 min... I also bolted the whole printer to the wall and bench, it wont budge a mm, steady as a rock!

    Now I will laborate with the values to find a good mix between speed and quality.

    Have a really nice day!

    /// M

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    one of the things I do is to make my travel speed the same as my print speed.
    Cuts down on issues with speed changes and acceleration.

    Other than that I have never messed with the slicer acceleration settings.

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