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  1. #1

    FLSUN Prusa i3 Z axis problem after installing Marlin

    Good day!

    *WARNING bad english ahead, it's not my native language*

    I've just got a new 3D printer, a FLSUN Prusa i3, and I have some really bad problem with it.

    I use Repetier, Arduino, Marlin and an autoleveling sensor

    Since I've installer Arduino and Marlin, my Z axis won't go down when I press the Z HOME or the MAIN HOME (for X, Y and Z).
    If I press the Z HOME, the hight increass of 2mm and the MAIN HOME increass the hight of 7mm then both reset the hight to 0.
    If I increass the hight, without pressing the Z HOME or MAIN HOME, I can lower it with the software.
    If I press one of the HOME I must lower it manually because REPETIER don't allow you to go bellow 0.

    Before installing Arduino & Marlin I had no problem except for my LCD screen that I wasn't able to go in and it still not working...
    If I was pressing the MAIN HOME, every axis was going at HOME, the Z axis was lowering, touched the plate then going 2mm higher and the extruder was going in the midle of the plate.

    The firmware I had on my sdcard can be found here:

    PLEASE can you help me?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    can not speak for FLSun Github Firmware.
    However I have Marlin 1.1.x Running. I can see the settings you need for the FLSun I will help you get it running.
    I watched these instructions videos And believe I can Help I use Google Translate so if you cannot explain in English Write in your own language and I can translate to English.

    Are you End Stops NC or NO (Normally Open or Normally Closed) By what you are saying they maybe setup wrong.
    What is you Proximity sensor.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 12-22-2017 at 06:59 PM.

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