Fake nails have a way of falling off. While there may be any number of reasons for losing a nail, one cause is that acrylic nails don't always fit perfectly. Like everything else about us, our nail beds differ in shape and size, and fake nails aren't custom-made to fit them - until now. Using Shining 3D's EinScan-Pro 3D scanner, Toshiba is scanning the hands of clients and using the scan data to 3D print customized artificial fingernails using stereolithography. Once the customer's scans have been taken, it takes about a month for the final product to be delivered via mail, but the wait is worth it, allegedly, as the perfectly custom-fit nails are much better at actually staying on the customer's fingers. Read more at 3DPrint.com: http://3dprint.com/171030/toshiba-shining-3d-manicure/