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  1. #1

    Large Community 3D printed Utopia

    I had an idea while at work today and thought of creating a 3D printed city, where I'm going to map out and sculpt terrain which will have plots where people can send in their 3D prints or the files for me to print out and paint. Then I add them to their respective spot. I want to make 3 different themed cities where one is a downtown city with sky scrapers and tall buildings, the next one would be a castle type design and the last one being a Utopia futuristic themed city where in there's mono rails going through buildings, oddly shaped buildings and statues. Really the limits of the cities will be our printers capabilities. Since I don't want to leave you guys out of the picture each building will have your name somewhere or if you designed a street your name would be the street name. And I want to do a video series on it that will be posted to YouTube where you guys can keep up with the project and vote on what the next project is. Of course this is too much work for me and I wanted to know if there are others out there that would like to pitch in and help model buildings and houses. As of now this is all hypothetical but if I get enough help and submissions by Friday 03/17/17 I'll start laying out and planing the terrain and plots. If you're on board just post an idea and explanation of what it is you'd like to add.

    Thanks, I hope this becomes and awesome community project where we make friendships and the greatest model cities.

    P.S. If you have other ideas that could help that doesn't necessarily regard 3D printed objects, those would be greatly appreciated as well.

  2. #2
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    You never defined what scale this is.........

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Marm View Post
    You never defined what scale this is.........
    I'm working on the layout today and I'll have an updated post with max dimensions for plot and building sizes. This was just me dipping my toes in the water to see if anybody else would be on board with me.

  4. #4
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    When I say scale..... I didn't see anywhere on if this is a model or full size? This is the internet. There are weird people out there.

  5. #5
    I guess you're right, I can't just assume people know I'm talking about a model that can fit on the table top of my garage.

  6. #6
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    After browsing these forums for a few years, you'll realize printing a full size city may be one of the more sane ideas that gets floated on here. Some people think 3d printing is magic, and can defy the laws of many different sciences.

  7. #7
    I'll admit I might of been one of those people when I first got into 3D printing not realizing how finicky they can be, not to mentions there are lots of restrictions for a printer.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    sounds like fun :-)
    never done a building. Count me in :-)

  9. #9
    Awesome, I'm still modeling out the terrain but I should be done this weekend with it. I'll post an update once I'm ready to start adding buildings!

  10. #10
    Engineer ralphzoontjens's Avatar
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    I have some building 3D models at low detail available that I created for a UK politician planning out the new Canary Wharf, London ground plan.

    Some of them are detailed enough to print on a small scale. Let me know and I can prepare a few. I will put my logo vertically on one side of the building.

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