The Korean company Rokits, has unveiled 3 new Edison branded 3D printers last week. The company which is seemingly gain some notoriety within the 3d printing space certainly has put forth a few interesting printers. Here is an image of the Multi, Pro and H700 from left to right:

The Edison Multi has the following specs:
Print Accuracy: 25 microns
Print Speed: 300mm/sec.
Build Volume: 270X145X180mm / 7.2 liter build volume
Price: Around $2000 - $3000

The Edison Pro Features the following specs:
Print Accuracy: 25 microns
Print Speed: 1000mm/sec.
Build Volume: 300X205X250mm / 15.1 liter build volume
Price: Around $4000 - $6000

The Edison H700 has the folowing specs:
Print Accuracy: 25 microns
Print Speed: 1000mm/sec.
Build Volume: 290X205X700(mm) / 41.6 liter build volume
Price: Around $7000 - $8000

Check out the video that Rokit posted a few days ago: