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  1. #31
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arno_Millenaar View Post
    Here is a link for the mini proximity sensor I use: Type 10-30V NPN N.O. with a switching distance of 0.8mm

    I also noticed (especially when using mechanical switches) that slowing down the second and final probe movement increases the accuracy significantly. I therefor patched the ‘homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] ‘ lines within marlin_main.cpp to be divided by 8 where the default is only 2. This makes a notable difference. Even for a non-mechanical sensor such as an induction proximity sensor.
    Thanks for the hint!!! I'm going to set my homing_feedrate[Z_AXIS] to divide by 8 also!!! And once its benefit is confirmed, I'll change the directions in the first post of this thread.
    Last edited by Roxy; 08-10-2014 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Eastern Colorado
    Just printed out a new Z probe arm that's shorter and sturdier than my old one.

    I adjusted the parameters so that it places the switch just 1.5mm below the nozzle.

    SENDING:M48 n 20 x 99 y 99
    M48 Z-Probe Repeatability test. Version 2.00
    Full support at:
    Mean: 1.497163
    Standard Deviation: 0.001727
    echo:endstops hit: Z:1.50

    SENDING:M48 n20 x99 y99 E
    M48 Z-Probe Repeatability test. Version 2.00
    Full support at:
    Mean: 1.509900
    Standard Deviation: 0.003012
    echo:endstops hit: Z:1.51

    I'm quite happy with these numbers.

  3. #33

    didn't you manage to get this merged into the main branch of marlin?

    I vaguely remember seeing this get merged

  4. #34
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sniffle View Post

    didn't you manage to get this merged into the main branch of marlin?

    I vaguely remember seeing this get merged
    Yes, this is in the main line code now. But some how, I poisoned the well. I got the M48 pushed back (and accepted). But now, I can't push anything else back up to be reviewed and accepted. That is why I was hoping DACB would push his fork back up. That would get most of the G28 enhancements accepted into the main line code.

    We need somebody to step up and take a bullet for the team!

  5. #35
    So the only thing that needs to be added are the g29 enhancements ill see what i can do. I dont see a point in doing the g29 eeprom

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    Yes, this is in the main line code now. But some how, I poisoned the well. I got the M48 pushed back (and accepted). But now, I can't push anything else back up to be reviewed and accepted. That is why I was hoping DACB would push his fork back up. That would get most of the G28 enhancements accepted into the main line code.

    We need somebody to step up and take a bullet for the team!

    You need to go to the git shell for the durectory location of your marlin fork on you computer and do
    git pull upstream Development
    That should catch your version of git up to the current marlin fork.

    Then you sync(using the windows github program) for your fork and it will catch your online version up to the online version of marlin

    Then you can make changes to your marlin fork to add the next change commit it then sync the change to your fork online thryou can do a pull request...

    Ill handle the g29 enhancements just letting you know thats how it works

  7. #37
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sniffle View Post
    ill handle the g29 enhancements just letting you know thats how it works
    thank you so much!!!!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Hi Roxy
    Thanks for this code...
    I would suggest to modify the "n" parameter to u or U just like in the G29 code. I am using repetier and could not pass a lower case n...
    So the code becomes
    // Usage: M48 <n #_samples> <X X_position_for_samples> <Y Y_position_for_samples> <V Verbose_Level> <Engage_probe_for_each_reading> <L legs_of_movement_prior_to_doing_probe>
    //n (u & U) Controls the number of samples u & U were added because of deficiencies in the Repetier client
    // not being able to use even a lower case n

    in the comments and

    if ( code_seen('n') || code_seen('U') || code_seen('u') ) {

    in the code.

    This would make M48 more coherent to G29.


    P.S. I did not check if that was proposed yet. Juts forgive that if I duplicated

  9. #39
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lrpirlet View Post
    Hi Roxy
    Thanks for this code...
    I would suggest to modify the "n" parameter to u or U just like in the G29 code. I am using repetier and could not pass a lower case n...
    So the code becomes
    You are welcome! And the 'new' parameter going forward is going to be 'P'. This code (and feature set) has been pulled into the main line code base at

  10. #40
    I finally got this code, actually the one that got merged into Marlin baseline, and also got my new proximity sensor working good. Here is my topology report. I am not sure what I need to do to fix this on my Prusa i3. Any ideas?

    Recv: +-----------+
    Recv: |...Back....|
    Recv: |Left..Right|
    Recv: |...Front...|
    Recv: +-----------+
    Recv: +0.12169 -0.41244 -1.00194
    Recv: +0.43792 +0.01525 -0.49263
    Recv: +0.70117 +0.39496 +0.23601
    Recv: planeNormal x: 0.005914 y: 0.005028 z: 1.000000
    Recv: Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    Recv: +0.999983 +0.000000 -0.005914
    Recv: -0.000030 +0.999987 -0.005028
    Recv: +0.005914 +0.005028 +0.999970

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