I thought this was pretty amazing. You can smooth out all the lines created during FDM 3d printing, which make your prints look not exactly the best. The trick is to use an Acetone Vapor bath. SinkHacks has done a nice how-to for such a process here: http://sinkhacks.com/building-aceton...printed-parts/

Check out how awesome these came out. the Owl on the right is straight out of a 3d printer. The owl on the left has been bathed in the vapor acetone bath. The difference between the two are simply amazing:

The exact process is listed at the site. The Materials you will need to get to create the bath are as follows:

Desk fan (For ventilation)
Electric range stove
Nylon string
Thermometer (with non-ABS plastic wire jacket on thermocouple)
Aluminum foil
A Medium sized Pot
Light that Clamps to a desk
Mason jar
Rag (Cloth)

Has anyone here ever done this? What is the cost of acetone?