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  1. #1
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    gcode for quieter printing

    Hi all!

    A while back I ran across some gcode on another forum that adjusted the torque used for the stepper motors during printing. The result was it made the printing a tad quieter. I've lost that gcode. Would anyone here know what the code was or know where the original post was that talked about making the stepper motors a bit more quiet? I just recall it was a single line put into the pre-printing setup of the gcode. I've found stuff on adjusting voltage to achieve this, but I recall at least that it wasn't voltage in this case, more like it was torque settings or similar. It might also be something about "vrefs" but I don't know the code to change those.

    Last edited by Nargg; 07-24-2016 at 08:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Engineer
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    It is a 7 bit number between 0 and 127 sent thus:

    G130 X127 Y127 A127 B127 for full power

    G130 X0 Y0 A0 B0 for no power

    Be careful or you will lose steps if you reduce it. You cannot print as fast with it set to a lower number and if you set it to zero while something else happens then it is possible for the filament to rotate the extruder stepper or the umbilical to move the head.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Awesome, the "G130" code was what I was looking for. Found this on Google's forums:

    G130 X65 Y65 Z40 A127 B127 ; default stepper vrefs

    The x65 y65 setting was what that guy liked, and I also found it to be noticeably quieter while printing on my Dreamer. Though I remember finding x80 y80 was more reliable. Inserted into the starting script in Simplify3D and made the whole house happier

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    weird - my motors don't actually make any audible noise.
    The belts, rods and printing carriage make lots of noise and I have the artificial r2-d2 noises switched on.
    I tried switching them off and it just wasn't same, poor old geraldine just sounded sad, lol

    But the motors themselves ? Not a peep.
    In fact the knp being all metal and heavy as a lump of lead, does not creak and chat like my wooden creator. And if it's not making robot noises - which it doesn't anywhere near as much as I'd like it to, I often look across just to check it's still working.

  5. #5
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    Motors make plenty of noises, especially stepper motors. Plus, as you said, all the gears, belts, rods and all. Lower the amount of torque applied to all said, and yes you can lower the noise the machine makes. You seem to be over thinking it. And, I do see a lowering of noises with this change to the startup script. You have to apply it to the right part of the script too. You might want to have your hearing checked. Just kidding...

    Though I do agree, the "music" it makes I like too. I often find myself singing along with it. But my family is not so forgiving so I needed to compromise and find a solution. This along with other changes to the printer have been very helpful.
    Last edited by Nargg; 07-25-2016 at 08:55 AM.

  6. #6
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    You need to be prepared for more failed prints if you reduce it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
    You need to be prepared for more failed prints if you reduce it.
    Had quite a few when I tried this a while back. Finally found a setting (x80 y80) that was acceptable for me and worked well. I don't recommend it for anyone, but I was on a mission to quiet the printer as much as possible. New fans, slower print, and this all helped on that. But, it was definitely a bumpy road Thanks for the input.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    lol the knp really can be amazingly quiet. It's a really solid case and if you're printing with flexible filament (which it currently mainly does) nothing is moving very fast at all. I'm amazed at just how little noise it makes.

  9. #9
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    Aardvark, thanks for the info. If my Dreamer ever kicks it, I may look into that one. I've seen some posts recently on "why Flashforge should release new printers", and I think noise is a major area of improvement. Though on some of their newest models they seem to be making it harder to tinker with the printer, which I think is a bad move. That KNP printer looks to be very "maker" friendly.

  10. #10
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    I realize this thread has died but thought I should post this in the event that a Dreamer owner ends up here searching.
    According to documentation from Flash Forge, the Dreamer does not use G130. It uses M907 to set the stepper currents.
    I suspect that the original poster's success was the result of the Placebo effect.
    It is, of course, possible that FF has changed the newer Dreamers but my 2 yo one definitely does not respond to a G130 ......

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