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  1. #101
    You mentioned you want them slightly different heights, is there a specific one you want to be higher than the other?
    Currently I'm printing with my right extruder (Which according to the FF instructions is the one you're meant to use when levelling the bed) but the left nozzle is definitely is very VERY slightly lower and keeps catching my prints. Only very lightly, but it's enough to pull the odd bit off the bed if it's not stuck down well.
    Is this that the nozzle is out of whack or my levels or my settings, or just that my adhesion isn't good enough?

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by jfkansas View Post
    Stock level is replenished. Getting caught up on pre orders over the weekend.
    Hi JF!
    Is this item you are selling necessary to run the FlashForge in a consistent way? Just asking because our non-profit club is getting a Flash Forge so that we can start making hands for e-NABLE and we're on a limited budget.

  3. #103
    Hello there,
    after i read all post i now really wondering.
    I got my FFCP a month ago and now have to calibrate my nozzels becaus on is off by 1mm. As the pictures from
    SL666 in Post #6 tell me, i suggest having the same setup.

    But if i remove all the stuff around the aluminum bar and losen and remove the setscrews (lil black ones) my throats wont come lose.
    It's not that i didn't tried. First gentle twisting and pushing/pulling with my wrench and fingers later going on somewhat rougher but even holding on to the aluminum bar with pliers and turning the damn thing with the wrench i didn't came out nor in. The only thing it does is twisting and that requires an amount of force that can hardly be well.

    So can anyone please tell me what i am missing?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Detzi88; 09-03-2016 at 05:15 AM.

  4. #104
    DSCN7257.jpgDSCN7253.jpgJust so you know the turbofan duct is trash. I found a way to fix this on Thingiverse. (I didn't make it) (Please excuse my terrible picture quality)

  5. #105

    uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh

    Hi, I am new here and I literally just got my printer yesterday, and I have a problem. When I use FlashPrint, I set my preferences to "Left Exturder". But it starts printing (Or trying to print) with the RIGHT exturder and vice versa. I spent like an hour trying to figure it out. I am not sure if it falls into this forum, but why not.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by why am i here View Post
    Hi, I am new here and I literally just got my printer yesterday, and I have a problem. When I use FlashPrint, I set my preferences to "Left Exturder". But it starts printing (Or trying to print) with the RIGHT exturder and vice versa. I spent like an hour trying to figure it out. I am not sure if it falls into this forum, but why not.
    Select the displayed object, right mouse-click, and select 'Choose Left Extruder to Print'. If printing with the left extruder, the image will probably be displayed in green. If with the right extruder, the image will probably be displayed in yellow.

  7. #107
    Also, you can go to File/Preferences and set the preferred extruder to Left so it will always default to the Left extruder.

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