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  1. #1

    Unhappy Filamment is load but not going out

    So I have been printing a lot, like everyday for almost 8-12hrs and then I was printing something and as usual I got a Filamment Jam msg, I go unload and proceed to load the filament, but the filament is not going outside the head of the printing extruder, Is like something is stucked there. I have unplugged the extruder opened and verify the other parts to be ok, but I dont know how to open/verify is something is in the final part of the extruder. Any ideas? Is the extruder already dead??

    BTW, is normal to get like a 2-3 filamment jam errors in a 2-3hrs print??


  2. #2
    You can use a pair of pliers to force the filament through the nozzle when heated, but if the doesn't work miniature drill bits can unblock the nozzle - like these >

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Filament can (and often does) have all sorts of trash in it. That can range from stuff the size of sand grains right up to rocks that make you wonder how they fit inside the bulk filament. They may indeed be rock like, they can be plastic that simply does not melt at a reasonable temperature. Either way they get in the hot end of the system and plug it up. It is very common to run into this problem after printing for "hours and hours" if you don't have a regular cleaning schedule.

    When the system was new, the tip on the extruder probably unscrewed by finger pressure. Once it has been heated and filled with plastic, it may not be so easy to unscrew. One way or the other (often after being heated) you unscrew the nozzle. If it is cold the sticking filament may make that quite difficult. Once the nozzle is off you can generally spot the trash that is blocking the system.

    Yes this all is a bit of a guess based on your description. If you have a clogged gear in the extruder fiddling the hot end may not be the answer.


  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    and for most printers clogging is rare.
    Clogging that often sounds like a design fault or really rubbish filament.
    is it a mk5 by any chance ?

    I've had one filament clog in 2.5 years and around 1000 hours of printing. So no, one clog an hour is NOT normal.

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