The Turbine Top

The Turbine Top is a 3d printed spinning top designed to accelerate as air passes through it. My inspiration was the feeling of sitting in your seat looking out the window during take off, and listening to the hum of the spinning turbines on a big Boeing 747. An incredible feeling that I strive to capture in this mesmerizing piece of kinetic art. Blowing on this top will get it roaring with speed, easily spinning unassisted for longer than 5 minutes. It's incredibly easy to use and has an effective, ergonomically friendly, spiral grip that promotes a good spin. It's by far the most comfortable top in my personal collection and with out sacrificing the aesthetics that really make it look like a turbine. This top ha a wonderful campfire effect to it ... as it slows down watch closely as an illusion of speed seems to shift the direction of the spin. A faster spin will provide multiple direction changing illusions that are truly incredible to watch.

Available at

Thank you for watching, if you enjoyed the Turbine Top please share it with your friends and family! I would love to continue designing spinning tops, with your support I can continue to create and share with the world.

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