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  1. #1

    It has arrived!!!!

    Hello fellow backers!

    My peachy is here! Thanks to the amazing guys at peachy for the incredible effort they made to bring this invention to my home!!! I'll be interested in what thinks you want me to try, and on my own I'll be assembling it carefully and playing with the software and included resin! I've also been mixing up some DIY resins and can't wait to test them on my Peachy once it's working well with the included resin! Let me know if you have any interest in more info over the next few days! I'm a professional chemist with 20 years of experience, so I have so much interest in the resin side of things and how resins cure with the peachy!

    Best wishes,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    San Diego
    Amir! So excited you got your printer! I love your posts, so please please please post all your experiments! I am very curious about what you specifically are going to do with all your chemistry experience, so please share!

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Rylan surprised me by offering to move me ahead in line, and I felt selfish enough for once to accept.
    My Peachy has also arrived, though I'm so busy with work and house stuff that it'll have to wait for the weekend to get built.

  4. #4
    Engineer-in-Training ServiceXp's Avatar
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    Pictures or it didn't happen...

  5. #5
    Technologist Bobby Lin's Avatar
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    That's great news! Will be looking forward in seeing your prints soon!

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Picks you said? Sure!
    Working on the assembly. The printer goes together surprisingly fast, though gluing the tiny magnets onto the armatures was... Harrowing I think is the best word. The resin curled up the first try and almost broke the string (I cured it with a rather powerful UV laser, not the Peachy UV LED.) I was able to peel it off and try over, at which time I was a little more modest with the resin and quick with passes of the laser, and it behaved a bit more calmly.

    Overall impression: The printer itself is pretty amazing to see completed, but the scanner portion is not so impressive. I'm sure it functions, but man does it look awful. Beyond looks, I've not got much to say, as the software isn't installing currently.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Feign View Post
    Overall impression: The printer itself is pretty amazing to see completed, but the scanner portion is not so impressive. I'm sure it functions, but man does it look awful. Beyond looks, I've not got much to say, as the software isn't installing currently.
    I made a suggestion in the "Ideas" thread that would spruce up the Peachy Scanner but you have to remember, a 3D scanner has almost nothing to it hardware wise, you don't even really need a turntable, so there isn't really much that they can do.

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