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  1. #1

    Your First PC or Mac Experience?

    What was the first time you used a PC or Mac? Do you remember where you were and what you were using it for? What was your impression of it?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Jersey Shore
    Wow, it was around 1990 and my son wanted a game system. I said he could have the system or a PC but with a PC he could play games and do school work. Our first PC was an Epson with a 8088 processor. Had it home a day and realized we needed more memory and a game card so we opened it up. That started a long list of PC builds and mods. Of course that evolved with us building a myriad of projects over the years. Just this weekend he built a ShapeOko 2 CNC mill. I think I created a monster?

  3. #3
    My father was teaching computers to school kids back in the 80/90's. At some point in late 80's he brought one IBM home. It still had a label "Winchester" on it, and I think that referred to the hard drives of the day. It was noisy, and didn't have a graphical interface yet, but could run some games for me, and some word processor for dads work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    new jersey
    oh man well it all started for me back in 5th grade i remember working on a trs80. from there i moved to the apple2's which i was on non stop until i graduated highschool. then i went in the military and didnt touch a computer until i got out in 95 when i got my first pc. used a pc until 2009 and now i am back to apple and hope to never fully go back to a pc again. some software i just cant avoid being pc based like solidworks, coreldraw and running my vinyl cutter.

  5. #5
    Staff Engineer Davo's Avatar
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    Late 70s, playing Adventur, a text-based adventure game, on a SOL-20 running CP/M on dual 8" floppies. My friend's father used the computer to do income taxes, but from May through December we probably put more hours on it than he did. It was awesome!

    At high school, we had a Commodore PET and a slew of TRS-80s and teletype terminals. My calculus teacher had an Apple II in 1980 or 1981.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Give me a Mac anytime, Windows comes with so much bloatware, needs you to buy additional security and constantly stops you using it because it is upgrading.
    Always a lot of hoops to go through installing anything on a windows machine, a Mac just works.

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