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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Overland Park,Kansas,Usa

    request for diagnosis with photos

    I am getting some sort of peculiar banding. here is a shot of Benchy and a pi case I attempted.
    This is with matterhackers PLA through a e3d v6.
    The bed temp was 70 for benchy with an extruder temp of 204.

    The bed has a buildtak sheet. I am using pronterface and slicing with Slic3r 1.1.7
    What should I try tweaking first...second...?
    I am not sure what is going on here.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Hard to tell from the picture but my first guess would be that the buildtak sheet is warping. I had that issue when I tried PEI sheet, it was too thin as the part cooled during the print it would start to warp the PEI sheet. Raising it up off the bed in the center.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Lone Star State
    It is difficult to tell from those pictures. I would add another possibility. You may have a bad roll of filament. It kind of looks like that filament has a had time fusing with the previous layer, especially at the edges. I think we need some more pictures of different items. A few calibration cubes would be good to take pictures of.

  4. #4
    Allow me to add yet another possibility, that your print is getting too hot?? You could try cooling down the ambient room temperature.
    Artifacts like these can show up on the overhangs and sometimes faces orientated away from your print cooling fan. If you are not using one already try blowing a room fan gently over the print or open a window and see if that improves your print.
    Last edited by Nihonddd; 11-12-2015 at 02:10 PM.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by Nihonddd View Post
    Allow me to add yet another possibility, that your print is getting too hot?? You could try cooling down the ambient room temperature.
    Agreed! It takes time to learn about your printer! And each one is different.

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