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  1. #1

    Trouble with printing model layer

    Hello. Week ago I have bought a 3d printer (DIY kit of Zonestar P802YA). After spending 2 days assembling it and then even more trying to calibrate it I managed to get stuff that looks like proper model. But unfortunately layers have sections where filament thread is thinner and thus creating holes. I took some photos of two of my models:
    Here are photos of 2 models of same g-code(1 finished and 1 stopped):

    You can clearly see those defects I was talking about. Also honeycomb grid is very messy.
    I use PLA filament 1.75 mm. Temperature 210-230C. Do not heat bed. Feedrate 80. Flowrate 50. On the unfinished I used FdRate - 65-70 and FlRate - 50-65. Which values should I adjust to fix this?
    Here's Dropbox link to the model.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    France, Aix en Provence
    It looks to me like you are under-extruding. I would advise until you are more experienced to not tweak the flow and feed rate live during printing.

    So, set a speed for your print in the slicer, say 50mm/s for the test.

    And do not modify the flow rate unless :
    1/ you made the proper check to know you need it.
    2/ you measured your filament and it's not really at 1,75mm

    The warping of the base is surprising and the the temp range is also unusually high... are you sure it is PLA and not ABS ?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by PrinterFinger View Post
    ... Also honeycomb grid is very messy...
    That's just the infill; its not intended to be tidy.

    I agree with LambdaFF, you're underextruding. Give us some more info regarding your process i.e. material brand and type, extruder temp, print feed, layer height, slicer, etc.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Davo's Avatar
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    Yes, what they said.

  5. #5
    Not really. Feedratre 80... which feedrate? Temp used.. what increments? Slicer? Filament brand.

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