Michał Szydłowski is a student and a Research and Development Engineer for Toolheads at ZMorph. He's also got lots of experience 3D modeling and prototyping, and he put all that experience to use for a thesis project at school. His passion for music, 3D printing and a tight deadline meant he was under the gun to create something impressive, so Szydłowski rolled all his passions and knowledge together to build a unique, homemade digital drum set. He designed his drum kit in Autodesk, sliced the files with ZMorph Voxelizer software and then printed out all the parts with his ZMorph Personal Fabricator. You can read the whole story here: http://3dprint.com/72038/3d-printed-drum-kit/

Below is a photo of Szydłowski playing his 3D printed drums: