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  1. #1
    Administrator Eddie's Avatar
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    Rinkak Launches 3D Printing Manufacturing Management Service

    Kabuku Inc. and Rinkak, say they're "a bridge between 3D creators and consumers engaging more advanced production technologies and more unique products.” Rinkak also offers the Rinkak 3D Printing Partner Program, a deal which provides a 3D print commission opportunity to members, and the Rinkak 3D Printing MMS is said to be an end-to-end business and customer relationship management solution for 3D printing businesses. You can read the whole story here:

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    I like the things on the picture. But do we really need a bureau to manage other bureaus ?
    And when we've got three or four over bureaus will we then get an uber bureau to manage the over bureaus - where will it end ?
    It does seem like a cunning way to make money without actually offering a physical product or a service that makes physical products.

    And am I the only person left on the planet who just doesn't trust 'cloud' based services ? (yes you are, bloody luddite)

  3. #3
    Kabuku, the Tokyo firm that developed the Rinkak MMS, says the service will be ready for launch next week. Rinkak 3D Printing MMS is a “a one-stop manufacturing service solution covering everything from the automated creation of a website, to smoothing the process of receiving new orders, to manufacturing and sales management tools.” Along with automated job quotation, automated 3D data analysis software, manufacturing process management and sales management functions, the service includes order receipt and sales management tools. Rinkak MMS also includes the automated creation of an ecommerce website to receive print orders. You can read the whole story here:

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