Helping to propel the STEM agenda further in California, GoEngineer recently hosted a field trip for a Girl Scout Troop of third graders. The troop traveled from Irvine, CA to Santa Ana to experience a day in the life of an engineer, which included 3D printing plastic models of Thin Mint cookies, complete with logo. They had their own workstations where they were able to learn to design with SOLIDWORKS and then send their 3D models to the GoEngineer onsite 3D Printing Lab. The girls watched through glass doors as the Stratasys 3D printers went to work producing their models in ABS in three different colors. They were later able to take home the 3D printed cookies as mementos of their day working as mini-engineers, as well as 3D designers. Check out their story:
Below is a photo of the Girl Scouts looking into the 3D printer: