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  1. #1

    Create a New 3D Printing Technology - YouMagine Selects Winners of Contest

    YouMagine is a community of 3D printing aficionados who sponsored a 3D Printing Technology Challenge to review ideas to push the technology forward, and the winner would get an Ultimaker Original Printer. It turns out that, however, there were so many good plans that naming just one winner was impossible. Through their ideas for a dual extruder design and a silicone printing process, respectively, Laird Popkin and member XYZAidan each took home a prize 3D printer for their novel concepts. You can read the whole story here:

    Below is a rendering of XYZAidan's entry:

  2. #2
    I already have a speeded up dual head 3D printer with one large and one small nozzle. It's called a Robox

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