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  1. #1

    Smile 3D printable Lithophane

    I have print a lithophane from digital photograph.And about this, can somebody give me more advice,such as material,thickness,etc.
    I made it using white resin now.and can other material will be ok?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer old man emu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Narellan, New South Wales, Australia

  3. #3
    thank you.I think we should have a try ,different thickness for different material

  4. #4
    Miami-based artist Sandra Canning turned to Jose at 3D Hubs for help 3D printing a "lithopane" of a photograph she took at Brooklyn Bridge Park. She had tried an FDM printer for the job, but it printed too thick. Jose advised her to go with an SLA for thinner layers, and the outcome is described as "stunning." Canning's creative use of 3D printing came out of her urge for photography to be included in the "Next Industrial Revolution Party," and then she came across some lithopanes from the 1800's. The rest is lithopane history as an ancient art form takes on new technological production means in the twenty-first century to achieve stunning effects. More details on this story may be found here:

  5. #5
    It's lithophane, not lithopane.

    Phane derives from the Greek "phainein" meaning "to cause to appear", according to the Wikipedia page on the subject:

  6. #6
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Jersey Shore
    They come out pretty well when 3D printed. My son did this one of my grandson a year ago.


  7. #7
    Will the material be strong enough to be a key-chain? The key may scratch it. Putting inside pockets may break it.

  8. #8
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    Obviously, the scratching will be hard to avoid if you put it with keys. You could try to a teflon spray : that won't affect the transparency effect. I've seen it used a lot in China to protect glasses. Or you could cast it in acrylic as a shell.

    To avoid breaking it in your pocket, just add a 3mm thick frame and you should be ok.

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