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  1. #1

    When Will Google Get Involved in 3D Printing?

    It seems like any technology which seems promising, Google has a hand in it. It's almost as if the company is being run by futurists, as they often put forth ideas which are a bit ahead of their times (Google glass for instance). So, when do you think Google will make a major move within the industry? Most likely it will be within the software or cloud side of things when they do enter the space, I would think. It seems like eventually it's going to happen whether its this year on five years from now. Let's hear your thought!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Montreal, Quebec
    God no.... just no.
    Google and their policy can go to hell, and why do I have the impression their printer would require a google account and internet connection, or other stupid crap.

  3. #3
    your right.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    I like google. They at least do new and inventive thing's when other company's won't. But anyway, I think they have/are dabbling a little bit but not like they should. Hopefully soon, I seen 3D printing in the new's more and more, they will probably hop on it soon enough.

  5. #5
    Staff Engineer
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian_Krassenstein View Post
    It's almost as if the company is being run by futurists
    Ya don't say...

    To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Google, but of the megacorps out there trying to take over the world, they're the one's I'm the least upset with. Yes, they track data and yes, they have some annoying policies, but as far as actual abuses of power go among media giants (and let's face it, Google is at its heart a media company), they're the least offenders. The main thing to understand about Google is that every decision they make is for the further expansion of their media empire. From Android to Chromebook to Glass and Fiber and Loon, everything is directly involved with getting more eyes on their media. Not saying it makes them good people, but at least they are easy to understand, and compared to other tech behemoths, that's pretty comforting.

    That said, there just isn't a motive for them the 3D printer market. There's no media to be had through 3D printing, only products.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Once 3d printers become user friendly and the big megacorps start offering encrypted downloads of their files so you can easily print your own repairs for home 'things'.
    I like designing my own, but the general public won't do that :-)

    THEN, you'll see a major move into the file distribution market.
    My money's on google. They're more prepared to throw hideous amounts of money at already proven companies and buy them up.
    Yeah i think they're funded direct from hell. But compared to apple and microsoft they're positively saintly.

    I'm hoping that the world will one day wake up and abandon apple to the wastelands that they deserve. But for some reason people think white and expensive is the same as well designed and value for money. Weird, but true.

    But like I said, at the moment there's no money in the home printer market. And no market for home printable files.
    There will be and it won't be long.

    The model-t is the first stab at a consumer friendly printer and file service.
    Couple that with the machine that removes it's own prints to allow unattended print queuing and you're a long way towards the machine that will eventually be as ubiquitous in people's homes as the microwave, television or kettle (in the uk anyway).
    And then you'll see companies lining up to print money :-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    Once 3d printers become user friendly and the big megacorps start offering encrypted downloads of their files so you can easily print your own repairs for home 'things'.
    I like designing my own, but the general public won't do that :-)

    THEN, you'll see a major move into the file distribution market.
    My money's on google. They're more prepared to throw hideous amounts of money at already proven companies and buy them up.
    Yeah i think they're funded direct from hell. But compared to apple and microsoft they're positively saintly.

    I'm hoping that the world will one day wake up and abandon apple to the wastelands that they deserve. But for some reason people think white and expensive is the same as well designed and value for money. Weird, but true.

    But like I said, at the moment there's no money in the home printer market. And no market for home printable files.
    There will be and it won't be long.

    The model-t is the first stab at a consumer friendly printer and file service.
    Couple that with the machine that removes it's own prints to allow unattended print queuing and you're a long way towards the machine that will eventually be as ubiquitous in people's homes as the microwave, television or kettle (in the uk anyway).
    And then you'll see companies lining up to print money :-)
    Amen, I pray that apple doesnt enter this market. Imagine an all white applie printer that costs 3500 but only has a 6x6x6 build volume, hey it looks cool right? It also has a starbucks coffee dispensing side port.

    I think if google enters this, it will be game over. Knowing them they will do something extraordinary. Like them or hate them, they are good at what they do which is develop technology, whether for media, for networking, search engine or whatever. They are the best and everyone knows it.

    I would love to see Amazon come up with something after the failure that was the Kindle. HP is in the game too, the next 10 years will be exciting!!

  8. #8
    if i was google i would strongly consider entering the market where they can use their resources to develop an accurate way to scan objects (and make it reasonably priced).
    You wont need files from kenmoore to print a new dryer handle if someone developed a cost effective way to replicate it on your own.
    I would easily pay the price of my printer or 2x that for an accurate way to render.

  9. #9
    Staff Engineer old man emu's Avatar
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    Narellan, New South Wales, Australia
    I definitely think that consumer 3D printing will explode once a low-cost (<$250) scanner with simple, easy to use software becomes available.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    "There's no media to be had through 3D printing, only products."

    Once you put a cloud-display (instead of LCD) onto a printer, you have media.

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