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Type: Posts; User: Gooz74

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  1. Hi, I finally found the issue and was able to...


    I finally found the issue and was able to fix it. It was very simple but I would never have thought about it.

    After another couple of days searching I stumbled onto a You-tube video where...
  2. Hi, Yes the bowden tube fits perfectly. For...


    Yes the bowden tube fits perfectly. For ruling out the bowden tube, I replaced it with a new Capricorn bowden tube.
    To install it, I did the following:
    - Retracted all the filament
  3. Hi all, I'm back with an update on the...

    Hi all,

    I'm back with an update on the clogging of my nozzle during printing. Unfortunately there is still no solution and I don't know what to try next.
    Since the last time, following things...
  4. We're a bit further in the quest of finding the...

    We're a bit further in the quest of finding the reason why all my prints fail from layer two onward.
    Today I tried to print the 60x60 square but instead of a 0.2mm height. I wanted to print a 0.8...
  5. Hi Bikeracer2020, I doubt if it's anything to...

    Hi Bikeracer2020,

    I doubt if it's anything to do with the extruder (dual gear metal extruder), bowden tube and hotend (original Ender 3 pro hotend) since those are all brandnew.
    I changed them...
  6. Hi Bikeracer2020, Thank you for the...

    Hi Bikeracer2020,

    Thank you for the suggestion.
    I started printing the 20x20 square of 0.2mm a few times and each time adjusting the Z Offset in the slicer.
    I now have a firm and good base...
  7. Ender 3 Pro - Clogging nozzle and skipping extruder on second layer

    Hi all,

    recently I have been experiencing a strange problem with my Ender 3 Pro. Like I mention in the title, from the second layer on, the extruder starts skipping what results in a clogged...
Results 1 to 7 of 7