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Type: Posts; User: Tempus 3D Printing

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  1. Sharing our B2B 3D printing service in Canada - reaching our 4th anniversary!

    Good day fellow 3D geeks :o, I wanted to share our commercial 3D printing businessbased in Canada. We started our business in 2020, just as 3D printing formanufacturing was gaining widespread public...
  2. Choosing the best material for 3D printing with HP Multi Jet Fusion

    When starting to manufacture with 3D printing technology, it can be hard to know what materials are the best choice for your project. We would like to share an article that helps to choose the best...
  3. Design Tricks for Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printing (Powder Bed / Industrial)

    For people who are interested in learning about industrial 3D printing, we would like to share some design guidelines to help you get the most out of 3D printing with HP Multi Jet Fusion powder-bed...
  4. Replies

    It would be a good idea to know the niche market...

    It would be a good idea to know the niche market you are targeting, and choose your printer and 3D printing materials based on that market. The desktop 3D printers have a great material and color...
  5. Nylon 12 is pretty waterproof on it's own, but it...

    Nylon 12 is pretty waterproof on it's own, but it can be finished in a number of ways, depending on how you will use it. We run a 3D printing business specializing in 3D printing Nylon 12...
  6. For us our choice was determined by the end-use....

    For us our choice was determined by the end-use. Our goal was to start a 3D printing business aimed at the fastest-growing sector of the 3D printing market, which is small-to-mid-scale manufacturing....
  7. We started our 3D printing business with a more...

    We started our 3D printing business with a more expensive/high quality machine because the diversity of uses for the end product is so much higher. The biggest challenge is to find customers, know...
  8. Replies

    Our team at Tempus 3D (

    Our team at Tempus 3D ( are involved in 3D printing in education at the college / university level, and we are impressed with what students are able to accomplish with the...
  9. Thank you for sharing the article about the 3D...

    Thank you for sharing the article about the 3D printing calculator. When we started our 3D printing business this tool would have been a valuable tool to figure out our break-even. We have been in...
  10. Replies

    3D printed snowmoble parts

    We would like to share a fun project we completed for a company called Airforce Velocity Stacks based in Alberta, Canada. Airforce was re-designing a throttle body to boost engine performance and was...
  11. Sharing a customer success story: supporting a local company with supply chain issues

    As an extension to this thread, we would like to share a recent project where we supported a Canadian construction company solve an issue they were having with sourcing replacement parts that were...
  12. {AVAILABLE] Tempus 3D - Specializing in Prototyping and Low Volume Manufacturing

    Tempus 3D is a 3D printing service bureau based in Canada, which focuses on rapid prototyping and low-to-mid-volume manufacturing of industrial plastics. Our main printer is the HP Multi Jet Fusion...
Results 1 to 12 of 12