Why would that be the case? Both crimping and soldering works when done right, and both can fail when done wrong. Solder itself doesn't take to well to moving about (it cracks), but it is usually not...
Type: Posts; User: jstck
Why would that be the case? Both crimping and soldering works when done right, and both can fail when done wrong. Solder itself doesn't take to well to moving about (it cracks), but it is usually not...
I had to print something with a hole that had a "flat part" to it (like a D-shape), of 12.5mm diameter. I just printed a test piece, measured it out, and then as mentioned, just "fudged" the radius....
I suspect it is the K8200 mentioned here: http://3dprintboard.com/showthread.php?167-Show-your-RepRap-Printers&p=16214&viewfull=1#post16214
It seems to me the best option for 3d-printing metal is the selective laser sintering (or maybe the related selective laser melting) method. There's nothing in there that to me looks obviously...
Hi all. I'm John. Long time 3d printing fanboy, but I just got an Ormerod kit a few weeks ago. Been doing some electronic and mechanical hacks to it, and will probably keep doing so infinitely...
Am I the only one here using a RepRapPro Ormerod? ;)
1282 1283
It has some key bits replaced from stock:
Different fan duct ("BigBlue360")
Aluminium bed support
dc42's improved IR...
Both PLA and ABS can easily be glued with cyanoacrylate glue (CA / superglue). Also, ABS is easily dissolved in acetone, so that can be used to glue pieces together. Just put some on a flat surface...