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Type: Posts; User: Phinieo

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  1. Setting up Marlin for Manual Zeroing - Bed lowering on print

    Hi All,Im working on a 1Mx1M printer and I'm having an issue with my bed lowering when I start a print. Currently I want all my axis to be manually zero'd before the print starts. Essentially the...
  2. Took me awhile to get back to it sorry. I ended...

    Took me awhile to get back to it sorry. I ended up using AutoWiz's suggestion to add some breakout boards to duplicate the inputs into 3 extra stepper drivers and it works great! Not sure if there is...
  3. I like this idea! Its much cleaner than figuring...

    I like this idea! Its much cleaner than figuring out the firmware issues and closer to what I'd like to have done originally. I can't quite see where you've attached the wires to the extra driver...
  4. I'm not using 4 steppers for weight reasons but...

    I'm not using 4 steppers for weight reasons but for stability of the large bed. I have constant force springs instead of counterbalance weights. They're visible in the image. I would use two steppers...
  5. HELP NEEDED - Bigtreetech BTT EXP-MOT + SKR V1.3 Firmware setup with Marlin

    Hi 3D printing community,My project for the last few months has been 1.0M x 1.2M x 0.4M huge 3d printer. I've been having trouble lifting the massive printbed which I've attributed to issues with...
  6. Help with Marlin TMC Stepper Current Calculation for Series Steppers

    Hi All,I'm working on a large 3D printer with abit over a square meter surface area print bed. The design I've settled on moves the printbed up and down while the printing carriage moves above. I've...
  7. Replies

    My current plan is to get a TMC 5160 driver which...

    My current plan is to get a TMC 5160 driver which supplies 4.4 Amps max. I'm going to use this to power 4 pancake steppers rated at 1 amp, 3.5 ohms. I'm not sure if I should wire the steppers in...
  8. Replies

    The only moves in the Z axis. It starts at the...

    The only moves in the Z axis. It starts at the top near the gantry which moves in X and Y and lowers as layers are extruded.
  9. Replies

    Need Help moving 48x48 inch printbed

    Hiya All,I'm making a large 3D printer but I'm having issues moving the printbed. My current goal is to have a ballscrew on each side with a 1A stepper driving each of them. Ill offset the weight...
  10. Help and Suggestions Needed for 4' x 4' x 2' Printer

    Hiya All,

    Apologies in advance if I've inadvertently posted this in the wrong place.

    I've been intending for quite awhile to design a very large 3D printer but just recently got the time to...
Results 1 to 10 of 11