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Type: Posts; User: JimmyJack121063

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  1. I took your suggestion and purchased the cooling...

    I took your suggestion and purchased the cooling fan that you suggested, mounted it on the plastic cover and it cools the motor and pump fairly well, but I would still like to have a fan like the...
  2. Printed Model of Motor Cooling Fan Breaks Apart When Operating

    It may be possible, but it would take someone smarter than me to figure out how to do it.
  3. Printed Model of Motor Cooling Fan Breaks Apart When Operating

    I will take a look at using an auxiliary fan like you suggested as I don't believe any 3D printed fan is going to be able to withstand the 3450 RPM of the pump. The fan is 138 mm. Blades are...
  4. Thanks for the info. I am having a printing...

    Thanks for the info. I am having a printing service print this model in nylon for me and if that one does not hold up I will try the salt annealing process.
  5. Printed Model of Motor Cooling Fan Breaks Apart When Operating

    I had a model maker design an electric air compressor motor cooling fan due to the fact that I broke the original one and they are now obsolete and no longer available. The fan mounts on the end of...
Results 1 to 5 of 5