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  1. 3D printing service bureaus are not selling the...

    3D printing service bureaus are not selling the novelty of 3D printing (which is more than 30 years old). They are selling 3D printing's ability to accomplish things that cannot be accomplished via...
  2. Well written article, Eddie. I'm not in...

    Well written article, Eddie.

    I'm not in complete agreement with Twiggs' theory, although some of it is certainly valid.

    I'm aging myself badly here, but I was working in the magazine business...
  3. Replies

    It sounds really cool, Brandon. I'm glad to hear...

    It sounds really cool, Brandon. I'm glad to hear you're doing this. Best of luck to you!
  4. Replies

    Brandon (I assume you are Brandon), Typically...

    Brandon (I assume you are Brandon),

    Typically SLS printers have a very hot build chamber (essentially an oven), where the constant temperature is just below the temperature required to sinter the...
  5. Replies

    They're referring to it as "industrial," which...

    They're referring to it as "industrial," which frequently means over half a million dollars. "Professional" is commonly used for printers in the $100,000 price range. Then again, it's hard to tell,...
  6. I think we would see the difference. The bulk of...

    I think we would see the difference. The bulk of the object wouldn't be the cool blue color we see here, but it also wouldn't be as red as the hot end and build plate. A Stratasys' build chamber is...
  7. Fantastic video. I've never seen it visually...

    Fantastic video. I've never seen it visually represented before, but it really demonstrates the reason a heated build chamber is needed. I'd love to see a similar video done inside a Stratasys FDM...
  8. When you finally get the printer and start...

    When you finally get the printer and start messing with it, please post your progress on this. I'm really curious to see how it goes.
  9. I think you're right in that we aren't going to...

    I think you're right in that we aren't going to see much of an increase in FDM speed. In fact, I don't think we're going to see much of an increase in the speed of any of the current technologies. By...
  10. 96 microns is a huge layer height for SLA/DLP. ...

    96 microns is a huge layer height for SLA/DLP. That's where much of the speed is coming from. Most SLA/DLP machines print from 20-50 micron layers (with pro machines going as low as 6 microns). ...
  11. I rode one of these things last year, made by...

    I rode one of these things last year, made by Altered Electric. It was everything I could do to stay on it. Then again, I'm an old man and it was fun anyway.
  12. Well written, Eddie. Nice piece. :)

    Well written, Eddie. Nice piece. :)
  13. Eddie's article mentioned he was using a laser...

    Eddie's article mentioned he was using a laser for the curing, so I suspect the desk lamp is probably just for post-curing (the equivalent of putting the model in sunlight). But, I can see the...
  14. Yeah. Based on the photos, the results aren't...

    Yeah. Based on the photos, the results aren't yet comparable. Objet printers produce a quality and smoothness similar to SLA, but in a bunch of different materials, depending on the printer model....
  15. Bingo. This is an article about a Chinese...

    Bingo. This is an article about a Chinese wholesaler.
  16. The leasing model is basically the same thing the...

    The leasing model is basically the same thing the larger pro-class manufacturers offer through their retail dealers -- Stratasys, 3D Systems, Solidscape, etc... As for the blade pushing the printed...
  17. Replies

    Good article, Brian. I enjoyed it.

    Good article, Brian. I enjoyed it.
  18. Replies

    "Look guys! We made a bunch of cured-resin BBs. ...

    "Look guys! We made a bunch of cured-resin BBs. Quick, issue a 'Breakthrough' press release! The media will bite and give us a nice little stock bump!"
  19. Replies
  20. News I honestly can't say if that is the only...

    I honestly can't say if that is the only difference. However, I know for certain the CubeJet is based on the same technology used in the X60 line. I've also seen X60 printers while they are...
  21. News That's a really good question. Unfortunately, I...

    That's a really good question. Unfortunately, I can't answer it with any certainty yet. The product manager got pulled away when I was talking to him because everyone got kicked out of the 3D...
  22. Replies

    It's not that others can't make a machine to do...

    It's not that others can't make a machine to do it. It's that others are like, "why bother? You'd need a powerful microscope to see the difference."

    To be clear, there are bacteria 5 microns...
  23. Replies

    I've seen both. Their output looks like any...

    I've seen both. Their output looks like any other SLA machine's I've seen – smooth as silk and very detailed.
  24. Replies

    The thing to remember with SLA is that there are...

    The thing to remember with SLA is that there are differences in how it can be done and those differences may alter final output size when playing with resolution settings.

    If the curing light is...
  25. Replies

    Yes. They were Stratasys printers.

    Yes. They were Stratasys printers.
Results 1 to 25 of 44
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