It means, learn how the slicer program works and the quirks related to your printer so you can get a good result.
Type: Posts; User: airscapes
It means, learn how the slicer program works and the quirks related to your printer so you can get a good result.
I would suggest doing your part design and then have the model printed by a printing service. You should do a bit more research on types of filament and the requirements to use them. This is not...
Never printed a 3 day part.. my build volume is only 8x10x8.. My enclosure has no extra heater anymore, it is no needed. For ABS the heat of the bead is enough. Highest the temp inside gets is...
I have lots of PETG mounts holding cameras and light which are outside in the sun in the Philadelphia PA area where it hit 100F in the shade. You must remember that the 235 is C not F.. if you car...
Never have any of the issues you mention with ABS. sounds like bad/wet abs or your z offset is too high.. of course no enclosure
PETG is the other filament to use.. I never use PLA if I can help...
slow down.. try 40mmS.. infill 35%, layer height .3
Not familiar with that slicer but in S3d slicer there is a setting that says how far to print the skirt from the part, you may want to increase that if there is such a setting. In S3d it is called...
What type would that be? You asked a question and I tried to answer it.
i had no idea how much metal printers cost but I did know they are not in the sub 1K range, so I searched and posted the...
Not to be unhelpful, but a simple google search for 3d printing metal machines returns this:
A Metal 3D Printer may cost you anywhere between $50,000 and a few million.
I am confused.. looks to me if you put the far side to the left when looking at the second picture on the build plate no support would be needed..
In other words, where the arrows point in picture2...
That was the correct choice.
Reasons Not to use ABS or Nylon for this project
ABS and Nylon both require an enclosure and you did not say what you have so you may very well have one.
ABS and Nylon...
This design should work fine. However it seems that wood or pvc trim would be faster easer and less expensive.
Fare as this model goes, I assume you know you would print that with the flat...
Yes no heat. You can also try lowering the hot end temp so you are at the minimum range for your particular brand of TPU.. what are you using Ninjaflex or something else? When removing try to work...
buy a brass sued brush...
Yes no heat.. If you are using PEI try the textured side . make sure your Z offset is correct.. clean the plate with windex between prints.. the more you print with TPU in the same place the tighter...
Make sure your z offset is correct and maybe if increase +.03. Do not heat the build plate, if you have a choice of build plates use a PEI powder coated plate TPU does not seem to stick as tight to...
3d printing is not injection molding and by design it makes items one thread and layer at a time, so other than has been mentioned above, the finished item is never smooth no matter what the...
Know the feeling.. after 23 years at the same company getting outsourced (me and the entire IT infrastructure team to India).. will be back in the IT job market at 60 years of age .. not looking...
Everyone wants you money.. Overture is decent and well priced. Esun is also my go to for PETG, I use very little PLA but have used Overture. There is no reason I would spend $57 for PLA..
Check out it is free and is fairly easy to learn.
I would suggest using google to search on topics. 3D printing as a hobby is like all hobbies, there are many facets to it and you need to learn them all to some extent and understand how they work....
have both of my enclosures sitting on top of a dress in an extra bedroom.. No they do not need to be level. they do need to be sturdy as the printer vibrates and you don't want the table rocking and...
We have some temporary doors set up in our house to facilitate the introduction of a semi feral cat to the indoor cats. The one door has a squeaky hinge and my wife told me to fix it.. But I said,...
Well, have your read all the instructions and info on the websites that are for the machine, the slicer and any 3d model software. unfortunately reading and experimenting is kind of required... and...
I fail to understand why people have issues with PETG.. Only thing I change between ABS PETG PLA is the temperatures.. no issues I think it is all the very inexpensive printers with beds that are...