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Type: Posts; User: c1f4z7

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  1. Replies

    I'm still in the development stage. I want to...

    I'm still in the development stage. I want to create something like this (the work is not mine, I got it here), but I'm thinking of adding some additional smaller details to make this miniature...
  2. Replies

    The Ender 3 is simpler to use and, if I'm not...

    The Ender 3 is simpler to use and, if I'm not mistaken, cheaper. It all depends on what you plan to do. I started with the Ender 3 but switched to the Ender 5 because it's easier to work with models...
  3. Replies

    First, check the slicing settings in Makerbot...

    First, check the slicing settings in Makerbot Desktop to ensure that both extruders are configured correctly for dual extrusion printing. Pay attention to the start and end G-code scripts to ensure...
  4. It's fascinating how the 3D print on the left...

    It's fascinating how the 3D print on the left looks even better, with more detail. It's a bit intimidating, though, to think about the future... I have a feeling that many people will have to adapt...
  5. Haha! Maybe you were expecting to learn something...

    Haha! Maybe you were expecting to learn something new, but Breaking Bad! I binge-watched it this winter and was blown away. Every time I watch it, I discover something new for myself.And how could I...
Results 1 to 5 of 5