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  1. Replies

    If you cannot find one then probably not. Your...

    If you cannot find one then probably not. Your only option would be to design one yourself and print it. The other thing is would a 3D model really add anything to the explanation of this...
  2. they do 2 resin printers. I will resist the...

    they do 2 resin printers. I will resist the temptation to put links to their product pages. But if you want to have a look you know where our website is.
  3. No nobel 1 users here then?:(

    No nobel 1 users here then?:(
  4. Alternative resins for XYZ printing Nobel 1.0, your experiences please

    So the nobel 1.0 can use third party resins now ( for those interested: How to use third party resins with the XYZ printing Nobel 1 ).

    We would like to know from nobel 1.0 users what alternative...
  5. Get yourself a bigger nuclear button on your desk than anybody else with 3D printing

    So in these desperate times of diplomacy by appendage waving we decided to develop the ultimate tool for all those politicians that seek to carry out international diplomacy using the intelligence...
  6. We are quite excited about this one. Lots of...

    We are quite excited about this one. Lots of purists look down on XYZprinting but they do try and produce maker solutions and people have a good experience with them. They have their 3 in 1 range...
  7. the Full colour XYZprinting Da Vinci Color - An interesting Tech development

    So at the TCT show at the NEC (Birmingham, UK) this year one of the interesting developments was by XYZprinting. They have just launched their Da Vinci Color.

    This is a kind of combination CMYK...
  8. How to use 3rd party resins on the XYZprinting Nobel 1.0 SLA

    3rd party resins can now be used on the XYZprinting Nobel 1.0 SLA 3D Printer. So we have put together a guide on what you need to do to set this up and what settings you can change together with what...
  9. Replies

    Printed PEGT at 250C on 80C bed on Kapton. It is...

    Printed PEGT at 250C on 80C bed on Kapton. It is going to depend on the filament as to how well it prints. You could try something like hairspray. Also try and control the printing environment. An...
  10. try getting rid of the kapton tape. and just...

    try getting rid of the kapton tape. and just apply painters / masking tape direct to printbed. We have never had an issue with masking tape peeling off. Kapton tape on its own will also work. For PLA...
  11. Replies

    So we had a quick look at TCT 2017 3d printing...

    So we had a quick look at TCT 2017 3d printing show, here were some of the gadgets we had a look at, mainly consumer rather than manufacturing printers and apparel.
  12. Replies

    Concur with Curious Aardvark, Rafts are generally...

    Concur with Curious Aardvark, Rafts are generally not needed. What material are you using?
  13. I just dropped my 3D printer on my toe!

    I just dropped my 3D printer on my toe!
  14. For kids, ideally, you want a 3D printer with an...

    For kids, ideally, you want a 3D printer with an enclosed build area. The reason being that there are lots of hot parts. The hot end gets to around 200C, that's not very child friendly.

    The other...
  15. Replies

    You could try Colorfabb nGen Flex...

    You could try Colorfabb nGen Flex. This is a semiflexible material. We have used it to 3d print a molex seal which was used on a bike as it happens. Printing a larger part should be a breeze in...
  16. Replies

    Not so good. Why don't you have a go at building...

    Not so good. Why don't you have a go at building a 3D printer, it's great fun.
  17. Replies

    I don't know whether we would have compensated...

    I don't know whether we would have compensated you for the print head, that kinda depends whether we thought you should repair it or buy a new one and really we are a shop so we tend to sell...
  18. Replies

    OK, Firstly to declare a conflict of interest. We...

    OK, Firstly to declare a conflict of interest. We sell Robox printers etc... We are, apart from that, fully independent from Cel-Robox.

    Our perspective on this is as a support provider (although...
  19. Replies

    As bad as it sounds, we have never made it to a...

    As bad as it sounds, we have never made it to a talk. But you never know, there is always a first time. We won't be wearing a t-shirt with an aardvark on it, as tempting as that is (that is not...
  20. Replies

    It's always good to see what new 3D printing toys...

    It's always good to see what new 3D printing toys people have been building. Larger, established manufacturer stands tend to be rather dull - move to the back of the hall for the interesting stuff.
  21. You could look at the retraction settings for the...

    You could look at the retraction settings for the extruder. Think about creating custom profiles and tweak those.

    As to the rippling effect, if it is very regular, this could be resonance so you...
  22. Printing guide for UP / Tiertime 3D printers to help improve performance

    We have put together a pdf document to give you some tips on how to get the best performance from your UP 3D printer. It was put together for the UP Mini 2 but is applicable to the UP Plus and the...
  23. is the heat sink touching the heat block? Usually...

    is the heat sink touching the heat block? Usually one might expect a gap with just the heat break.
  24. Thanks for the response. Added experience is...

    Thanks for the response. Added experience is always good. I think the types of head and also dribbling are the bits missing from the write up. What issue did you have with simplyfy3D, why does it not...
  25. Experiences of dual extruder 3D printers

    We have been putting together a guide on using Dual Extruder 3D printers. We would be very grateful for some input. i.e. what advice would you give to others thinking of buying a dual extruder...
Results 1 to 25 of 288
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