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Type: Posts; User: Chris Knowlton

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  1. Kris, Here is the stl file I made. It is...


    Here is the stl file I made. It is larger than yours but you can slice it for an example.


  2. Kris, I modeled a similar tire and made a...


    I modeled a similar tire and made a cross section. The thin walls of my stl file are clean intersections with no walls passing through another. The slice was good with no top plate. I am...
  3. Hi Kris, I believe that the problem is with...

    Hi Kris,

    I believe that the problem is with the stl model. I use Simplify3D and have made a number of similar wheels with no problems. When I loaded and sliced your stl and the repaired stl I...
  4. News For ABS: Thin ABS/acetone slurry on kapston sheet...

    For ABS: Thin ABS/acetone slurry on kapston sheet provides great sticking power and glass-smooth finish.

  5. Replies

    Gatogirl, If you took some time to research...


    If you took some time to research this instead of threatening lawsuits you would find that Printrbots are well known for their high quality of design and construction. LambdaFF is right...
  6. Dbfiu, I use a heated bed with auto leveling....


    I use a heated bed with auto leveling.
    The slurry should not be thick. It should be basically colored acetone. I put a little on a paper towel and wipe it on the cooled bed leaving only...
  7. Hi guys, Thanks to all for the ideas. I have...

    Hi guys,

    Thanks to all for the ideas.
    I have been trying different amounts of the acetone/ABS slurry. It only take a very little on the Kapton tape,just enough to remove the shine on the tape,...
  8. Now I cannot get the parts off the bed......

    I'm using ABS on a heated bed at 100 C and kapton tape with a very light acetone/ABS wipe. Now I cannot get the parts off the bed. I can wiggle a putty knife under the printed parts but they...
  9. Hi guys, I too have been having extraordinary...

    Hi guys,

    I too have been having extraordinary success with theSimple Metal. After a couple of months use I purchasedthe heated bed whichdidn’t heat past about 93 C until the PB guys sent a free...
Results 1 to 9 of 9