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Type: Posts; User: dnmeeks

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  1. FS in Austin: Stratasys uPrint SE perfect working condition + beds + waterworks.

    For sale in Austin: My Stratasys uPrint SE. Works fine, trading for a newer multi-head system.Recently replaced fans and the air plenum inside the extruder head assembly.Well maintained by me (I have...
  2. Curious -thanks, yes of course that is why I am...

    Curious -thanks, yes of course that is why I am getting rid of it. It's a great printer, but upkeep / materials are $$$$.I do have a dongle reprogrammer, and I have been using other ABS filament. But...
  3. Advice on selling a Stratasys printer - Austin, TX

    Hello Group -I have a Stratasys uPrint SE in excellent working condition. One material bay (dual spools). Recently replaced fans, air plenum in the head, and filament pinch roller.Have lots of model...
  4. Yep thanks. Most of what I know about this I got...

    Yep thanks. Most of what I know about this I got from someone else who I know is active on the forums... I'd give him all the credit but not sure if he wants me to rat him out as he is quite the...
  5. I have solved this with the help of Stratasys and...

    I have solved this with the help of Stratasys and GoEngineer (kudos to GoEngineer!)
    There is scant support info out there on these printers so I plan to post when I discover something useful or...
  6. Stratasys UPrint SE - troubleshooting "obstruction"

    My UPrint just started telling me that the filament path is obstructed. It's not. It's a dual- head dual-filament machine and it gives the same message for both sides. I have manually run filament up...
  7. Stratasys Uprint SE - what are the compatible flament part numbers?

    I am having a hard time finding the part numbers for the SUPPORT filament that Stratasys recommends for this printer. I thought there was just the one, but I bought some on Ebay and it was black... I...
  8. Follow up on this. I have used a few different...

    Follow up on this. I have used a few different brands of aftermarket ABS with no issues at all.
  9. Replies

    I see this is really old but I'll post my...

    I see this is really old but I'll post my experience just in case someone else comes looking with the same question
    I tried scuffing up a base but it didn't work for me. I tried using acetone on it,...
  10. Stratasys UPrint SE - filaments / 3rd party / colors

    I just picked up a Stratasys Uprint SE. It's a beautiful machine, very easy to use. But it appears that it may be the most expensive 3D printer to operate, based on filament pricing. This uses an...
Results 1 to 10 of 10