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Type: Posts; User: harry56

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  1. I see that physical product development cycle...

    I see that physical product development cycle shortening as it becomes easier to get from concept to production.

  2. Some car manufacturers have started to go that...

    Some car manufacturers have started to go that way to produce cars with lower tech, high reliability at low cost. Take the DACIA/Renault partnership for instance. Their Logan has little to no ...
  3. Replies

    There's nothing effecient about the machines in...

    There's nothing effecient about the machines in this project and I'm pretty sure nobody ever claimed there was. The effort is to make these simple enough to be dropped into poor villages in the...
  4. Replies

    The project is nice and worthy but I wonder if it...

    The project is nice and worthy but I wonder if it can be more than an intellectual exercise at this stage. I’m a little bit ambiguous about it as I can’t estimate its practicality.

Results 1 to 4 of 4