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Type: Posts; User: Jdo300

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  1. The printer I'm using is an Airwolf3D AXIOM Dual...

    The printer I'm using is an Airwolf3D AXIOM Dual Direct Drive printer. The nozzles are 0.5mm aluminum nozzle custom made for this printer.

    In Cure, there are two sets of retraction settings, the...
  2. Trouble with nozzle switch retraction settings in Cura 4.8

    Does anyone know if there is a Cura setting to force the second nozzle to un-retract filament AFTER it is over the wipe tower and not before?

    I'm doing a dual material print with PC+HIPS (using...
  3. Odd Artifacts on first few layers of ABS vase mode print

    Hello All,

    I've been working on optimizing an ABS profile in Cura 4.8.0 for printing a small test part (a miniature studded vase in this case), but I am running into issues with the outside...
  4. Replies

    Support Settings for ABS cup with overhangs

    Hi Everyone,

    I've been trying to print this portafilter dosing cup model (for an espresso machine)

    And for the life of me, I've been having problems...
  5. Check the temperature of the surrounding room you...

    Check the temperature of the surrounding room you are printing in. If you don't have an enclosure around your printer, a cooler air temperature can cause your part to delaminate as you get further...
  6. Nozzle repeatedly clogging while printing Ninjaflex TPU


    I'm having a problem printing white NinjaFlex TPU on an Airwolf3D AXIOM Dual Direct Drive printer. I am trying to run some test prints of a face mask ear strap but am having problems with...
  7. Optimizing printer settings with XYZ Calibration Cube

    Hello All,

    I have two Airwolf3D AXIOM Dual Direct Drive printers that I’ve worked with for several years off and on for small/medium sized prints in ABS and Polycarb. But I’ve always had issues...
Results 1 to 7 of 7