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Type: Posts; User: milcent

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  1. Replies

    i played with Slic3r config and it seems i found...

    i played with Slic3r config and it seems i found a better configuration. Here is the result of the last printed object from Thnigiverse with this config. 7023 7024
    As you can seen compared to the...
  2. Replies

    Fabrikator is back

    Hello, i am back with Turnigy Fabrikator, received a brand new one in exchange. I set up it as the first and it is working fine, i did my first prints. Here are the first objects. 7022

  3. Hello, i am back with Turnigy Fabrikator,...

    Hello, i am back with Turnigy Fabrikator, received a brand new one in exchange. I set up it as the first and it is working fine, i did my first prints.
  4. Thanks Philippe for the update. I can't remember...

    Thanks Philippe for the update.
    I can't remember where HK said they will not provide support. Instead they told a forum is going to provide help on, and in fact very few answers there...
  5. After 6 weeks of request and patience, i just...

    After 6 weeks of request and patience, i just heard from HK they have no news from their supplier just to replace the arduino+RAMP board. I am afraid we wont get any support from them with this...
  6. Replies

    After 6 weeks of request and patience, i just...

    After 6 weeks of request and patience, i just heard from HK they have no news from their supplier just to replace the arduino+RAMP board. I am afraid we wont get any support from them with this...
  7. Replies

    Hello PhilippG i had some problems with my HK 3D...

    Hello PhilippG i had some problems with my HK 3D Printer too. They seem to come from the RAMP board, not the arduino. I am waiting for a replacement board from HK .... Will share my feedback when all...
Results 1 to 7 of 7