I have printed a bed levelling square to demonstrate the things which I want to explain. The surface of my parts is always having small bits/lumps of materials?
Is it problem with material...
Type: Posts; User: ASP
I have printed a bed levelling square to demonstrate the things which I want to explain. The surface of my parts is always having small bits/lumps of materials?
Is it problem with material...
I want my printer to print multiple parts..... but when I slice in cura, the printer is making parts in weird way. It is neither completing one part first and then going to second nor it is...
Thank you so much...... Does direct drive means like the extrudes that comes with prusa?
What should be the value for other type of extrudes and what should be the retraction length?
What should I keep feeder's pinch roller tension to?
I have adjusted tension on my ultimaker 2+ and now I can see little marks of knurling which is present on one pinch roller.
I wanted to...
I am new to 3DP.Can someone explain me retraction speed in complete details.What should be the value of this?