Hi, I have an issue where I start printing and then the filament "dries up" after a few minutes (picture one) and then when I remove the filament (with some effort) it is thick in the front (picture...
Type: Posts; User: thatgerhard
Hi, I have an issue where I start printing and then the filament "dries up" after a few minutes (picture one) and then when I remove the filament (with some effort) it is thick in the front (picture...
Thanks for the info!
Just out of interest, at what speed do you normally print at once the 1st layers are down? Oh so far so good on the print the 1st 4 layers are done and nothing lifted yet. Yay! Thanks for the info...
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to try that and report back.
I'm printing using PETG, The build plate is clean and I also used glue stick for adhesion. I've done the 1st layer calibration and that was fine too, it's when its extended printing that this...