Pretty much... I print ABS on glass. And I take the glass off and put it in the freezer to release the part.
That always works. It is simple. And there aren't any complications.
Type: Posts; User: Roxy
Pretty much... I print ABS on glass. And I take the glass off and put it in the freezer to release the part.
That always works. It is simple. And there aren't any complications.
Basically... you are talking about patents. A patent will describe the invention and then make claims about it. It is the claims that have value.
If you have a good idea the only way to...
If you are using Marlin... You should consider turning on Z-BabyStepping and the Double Click option to jump to it.
When your printer is drawing the skirt around the part on the first layer, you...
I kind of agree with this thinking... And just to take your thinking to a little bit more extreme position to help us consider ideas, think about this:
The 3D-Printing world is so complicated...
The Prusa Slic3r software is very good. I've been using for several days and I'm impressed with all the nice things they have done with the user interface.
It is stable, and seems to be very well...
Not only is the 'Search' box still messed up... When I tried to enter this comment, I had to leave the site and come back to be able to enter text into the 'Quick Reply' box.
It isn't hard to...
I think this bug was fixed a few days ago... Can you download the latest BugFix code and see if your problem is resolved?
Most people use a SSR (Solid State Relay) to do this kind of thing.
All the company's that tried to 'Differentiate' themselves by offering a 3D-Printer that only printed what some 'consortium' licensed to you has failed. That is what Spark was going to offer the...
Here is a really neat demo of planetary gears. With both a hand crank and a bit to put into an electric drill to make it go fast.
I suggest you do the 4 stage set. And if you print multiples...
And back to the 3D-Printing topic... There is more discussion on that court case at Wired Magazine:
It says...
Yeah Baby! I think this means it is now legal to distribute 3D Printer Design Files to print a handgun.
Consult with your attorney before doing it however!!!
The full story is at: ...
Those Fortec SSR's you get on eBay are usually counterfeit. They work... But not at the current they are rated at. You need to go with a much higher current rating than what you are really...
Those 7 lines are probably better done with a cylinder. And should be about 2% of design effort.Try this in OpenScad:corner();module corner() { difference() { union() { cube([10,10,10]); ...
Are you saying UBL isn't working? Or are you having problems with G33 ?
If you can print it... It won't have any structural strength. But if you just want it to show in a meeting (and tell people to be very gentle with it as you pass it around), you can do it.
This feels like an abuse of your posting privileges here. I'm going leave it just because some good is coming out of your company's work with kids.
Your printer is running Marlin firmware!!! That is a very nice! But it would be good if you can watch the LCD Panel and tell us which version of the firmware it is running.
Usually... ...
Home the printer... And then lower the nozzle .1mm at a time until the nozzle touches the bed. If your LCD Display says the Z axis is not at 0.000 mm, you need to add the stated Z value to your...
Go into Configuration.h and turn on the UBL bed leveling option... I'll help you get everything up and running....
If it has Marlin v1.1.2 firmware loaded... You ought to update to the latest version.
I would rotate it 90 degrees so it is laying on its back and slice it half. The two halves should be printable and you can glue the two halves together.
I would suggest a kit... It takes a few hours to put together, but at the end you fully understand everything about your printer so any little problem that shows up you can deal with.
The best...
I have a gMax 1.5+ It is the primary development machine for Marlin's UBL bed leveling system. It is a very nice printer.
Yeah... PlatformIO is not user friendly! Be sure to turn auto update off. I've had it update and make itself sick a bunch of times.