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Type: Posts; User: Shredder565

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  1. Replies

    Uniformation GK3 Ultra...

    So, thinking of upgrading my Mega 8Ks for the Unifromation brand.Has anyone used the GK3 and had good results? I'm looking for something with a fail rate closer to the X1C Carbon, which just plain...
  2. 17021 OKie Dokie. So, same model. Max size...


    OKie Dokie. So, same model. Max size for the mega, minor size for the creality.

    Creality - 4 days. had trouble with the arms.
    Phrozen - 11 hours, ran out of stuff halfway throuh, only...
  3. That makes sense. that would also explain how it...

    That makes sense. that would also explain how it cuts down printing time by days and makes it only hours.

    give that a try. just basic Simplify 3d Settings and supports....
  5. first test print. not bad. although it stuck a...

    first test print. not bad. although it stuck a little TOOO goood. I snapped it a bit trying to use the scraper but eventually got it off...
  6. yes, it's true I try not to mess toooo much with...

    yes, it's true I try not to mess toooo much with the basic simplify 3D settings. Sometimes I do, but the only time it seems to make a difference is when I change support settings. sometimes getting...
  7. hmm, good to know. watched the video too. Nice...

    hmm, good to know. watched the video too. Nice to see that it's pretty easy to set up and get to printing at least.

    Also ordered a UV curing box that was big enough for 10 inch models.

  8. Replies

    SoftImage Users unite :)

    Howdy.I'm one of the holdouts still using softimage 2015. Eventually I will probably migrate to maya, as it doesn't seem like too much of a learning curve, but the yearly fee is a major turn off.I...
  9. First Resin Printer, what do I need to know?

    I had a makergear 2 for a few years, until the leveling became too much of an annoying issue and finally got rid of it.I have a Creality now, and after a few upgrades, have only created about 3...
Results 1 to 9 of 9