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Type: Posts; User: TesseractDzyn

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  1. Success with Desktop SLA Printer - At Last!

    After months of adjusting and wrangling with the manufacturer, the Pegasus Touch SLA desktop printer is finally working as advertised. Amazing resolution and prints! Please see the details at...
  2. Miniature Critter Headphones for TV Commercial

    I think we'll see more innovative uses for 3D printing, particularly in fields that previously relied on hand-built models - such as the entertainment industry. I recently had a job where a local...
  3. Replies

    I've had moderate success with a purple...

    I've had moderate success with a purple gluestick. It still doesn't hold like the Aquanet used to, but at least the prints aren't sliding all over the place now.

  4. Replies

    So I gave the old layers of hairspray a scrubbing...

    So I gave the old layers of hairspray a scrubbing - and it took some effort to get it off, too. However, upon laying down more hairspray, the same thing happened: it stayed tacky for only a minute or...
  5. Replies

    Anything's worth a shot. Thanks for the tip! -C

    Anything's worth a shot. Thanks for the tip!

  6. Replies

    Hairspray Won't Hold

    Hi all,

    I've been using a Replicator 2X for over a year, and until recently everything worked well, but now it seems that the hairspray adhesion trick is no longer working. I was using Aquanet...
  7. Replies

    Getting a new printer up and running is always a...

    Getting a new printer up and running is always a tricky proposition. I've gotten some preliminary prints out of the Pegasus Touch now, and have put together a post on my adventures so far:...
  8. Replies

    Thanks for the heads-up about the Pegasus Google...

    Thanks for the heads-up about the Pegasus Google Groups.

    I've gotten my up and running, but have still run into a few problems with the resin vat. Details at...
  9. Replies

    I'm cross-posting this from the Pegasus Touch...

    I'm cross-posting this from the Pegasus Touch forum, just to be sure...

    Is anyone out there actually using the Pegasus Touch? I've got one on order, and was wondering what others' experience has...
  10. Replies

    Anybody Using the Pegasus Touch?

    Has anybody used the Pegasus Touch? I've had one on order for several months, and I'm expecting it to show up any day now. I'm interested in hearing others' experiences with this printer.

  11. Replies

    Sense Scanner vs 123D Catch

    With wild predictions of 3D printers in every home, few address what actually be printed with them. 3D modeling programs have notoriously steep learning curves and can be expensive. Fortunately,...
  12. Replies

    There seems to be a number of issues with 3D...

    There seems to be a number of issues with 3D printer "vaporware." It seems like there's a new 3D printer on Kickstarter and Indiegogo every few days, but check in a few months down the road, and...
  13. Replies

    Cheapest 3D Printer/Kit?

    I was wondering what the least expensive way there would be for someone to get a complete 3D printer or kit, with all of the parts necessary to assemble and begin printing. Something available now,...
  14. OK, this just made my Top 10 Future Projects...

    OK, this just made my Top 10 Future Projects list!

  15. Replies

    Big Tech in 3D Printing: Game Changer?

    Autodesk's recent announcement about their entering the 3D printing market sure grabbed some attention. It got me thinking about how the involvement of big tech firms like Autodesk, HP, Google, etc....
  16. Replies

    I've had just as much luck with simple hairspray....

    I've had just as much luck with simple hairspray. I just spray down the print bed before starting the print, and have had no problems at all with curling since then.

  17. If it's about getting a product cheap, then 3D...

    If it's about getting a product cheap, then 3D printing's not the thing. The main attraction of 3D printing is customization, and people will definitely pay more for something that they know is...
  18. Replies

    Great quote as to why she did it: "Because I...

    Great quote as to why she did it: "Because I could." Superb.

  19. Replies

    Buddha Head

    This was downloaded from Thingiverse - the file looks like a scan. It took about twelve hours to print in ABS on a Replicator 2X, plus another 30 minutes in the acetone vapor bath. I'm pretty pleased...
  20. Replies

    Not entirely sure. This is a column-to-beam...

    Not entirely sure. This is a column-to-beam connection. My guess is that that need a super-strong rebar connection for a long-span beam. Some of the crazier cantilevered creations by architect...
  21. 5-10 minutes does the trick. The left hand print...

    5-10 minutes does the trick. The left hand print in the image I posted was in for only 5 minutes. It probably should have been left in for longer, but I was worried about losing some of the detail. i...
  22. Acetone Vapor Finishing - Homebrew Setup

    I managed to get some great results with acetone vapor finishing with some materials I purchased at Goodwill for just a few dollars. I have the information in a detailed blog post at...
  23. This is very interesting news indeed. Not too...

    This is very interesting news indeed. Not too terribly surprising, given how much Autodesk has been trying to insinuate itself into the 3D printing world - there sure have been plenty o' tweets from...
  24. Replies

    They are approximately 6" x 6"; I was limited by...

    They are approximately 6" x 6"; I was limited by the build volume of the Rep 2X. If I were going to do it over again, I'd probably design it as 2 pieces, print them separately, and glue them...
  25. OK, that is just too cool for school! Love 3D...

    OK, that is just too cool for school! Love 3D printing; love Fallout. Next question: where can I get the plans/files?

Results 1 to 25 of 30
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