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Type: Posts; User: lesthegringo

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  1. Chitubox no longer saving to .pwmx files for my Mono X

    Hi all, for some reason my installation of Chitubox no longer outputs files to .pwmx files, so is no longer usable for my Anycubic Mono X. No matter what I do I can't seem to find the option to save...
  2. Running Creality printer from PC vs Sonic Tablet

    Hi allI am stepping 'up' from a Lulzbot Mini purchased well over six years ago to a Creality Ender-3 S1 Plus - ironically at about a third of the price of the Lulzbot for a seemingly more capable...
  3. Hi againI tried the Elegoo ABS like resin, and...

    Hi againI tried the Elegoo ABS like resin, and while the overprinting essentially disappears, the part cured resin seems to persist on the outside edges of the prints. It's no so bad as with the...
  4. Thanks. I've been working on other bits of my...

    Thanks. I've been working on other bits of my project but will get back to this today, but I will try non-water based resins first to see if the problem continues. Interesting point about layer...
  5. Anycubic Photon Mono X resin residue issue

    Hi all, I am using the water washable Eelegoo grey resin on my Mono X, and despite playing around with the settings quite a bit, I am geting reasonable prints, but with quite a large over print for...
  6. Replies

    Can't change resin parameters in Lychee

    All, I have tried to change the number of initial layers, the times and the subsequent layer times in Lychee, but for some reason when I print it always seems to print with the default Lychee resin...
  7. Best layer height for strong print on simple component - Resin printer

    Hi Al

    lI am relatively new to resin 3D printing, having had a Lulzbot Mini for a while before that. However the quality of the prints with the resin printers attracted me so I took the plunge a...
Results 1 to 7 of 7