Under $2000?
I would go for the Up Box. Large build volume, software is second to none and great quality prints.
Type: Posts; User: Sebastian Finke
Under $2000?
I would go for the Up Box. Large build volume, software is second to none and great quality prints.
ReplicatorG? You're using RepG to slice? Why? Its outdated and slow. Try Flashprint.
I say again, the program controls the steppers. The material is irrelevant.
WB is right in that Nylon requires a higher temp thus an all metal hotend is better. This will have no effect on the...
This has nothing to do with material or speeds or anything like that. The Build plate will drop if it told to do so.
Either your program is incomplete/corrupt. Resave to your PC and then transfer...
Great work
There is a thread here somewhere about this very thing. I believe in it somebody mentioned using PVA as support material.
^^ This.
If you're serious about manufacturing your designs then ditch the 3D printing idea. Then rather have a master part machined out of some epoxy board like WB-0691, use that to create a...
Yeah like I say it is cool. Definitely a far more effective way to work. I as far as possible I like to work in a parametric modeller.
Don't see anything obviously wrong with your settings. Form the photo it looks like material that gets too hot. If you were running PLA at those setting you'd get a finish like that...
Yes, parametric is awesome
What you describe isn't what defines parametric software. A truly parametric methodology involves inter-design dependencies. You will only really get into that...
0.2mm nozzle... hope you have a lot of time.
No it makes no difference other than you are pushing a thicker filament through a very small space. You may get some incosistencies. You will...
The big thing here is that you will need to add a reducer gear to the extruder stepper to compensate for the extra volume.
In my opinion unless you're going to print with a very large nozzle...
I once had massive nozzle issues. Filament would stop extruding at random points, strange shell and roof textures, etc. Cleaned out the extruder multiple times. Same problem on both nozzles. Even...
Very nice :)
Give us some setting to work with...
ABS requires a heated build chamber. You can achieve this with a simple homemade hood and a (preferably see-through) cover for the front. Basically you need to block anything that can cause a draft....
Did you even look? Stickied on the first page!
There is a link to Makerware 2.4 in the Flashforge forum. Get that. RepG is good for updating firmware, not much else.
Never ever click on spam links. It only puts money in their pockets. Ignore it and let us get rid of it.
I had symptoms similar to yours, TJ. Cleaned out the nozzle (even redrilled it), replace the PTFE tube, you name it, I did it. The clicking continued. Turns I was was using bad filament. Switched...
Typically meshes aren't 'modeled' but are the result of a process. If you are hell-bent on modelling it then just about any software should be able to do it (pro software that is, don't know about...
You don't give us much to go on. Software? Type of tyre? (Car, motorbike, tractor)
So Makerbot no longer Makerbots and have become an assembly line for Stratasys...
Not surprised. I bet Stratasys rue the day they bought Makerbot...
Removing a stepper (for the left extruder) is pretty much all you can do. That'll reduce the overall mass of the carriage by about 40%.
I assume they are hollow for reason of cost and weight....
THIS will be my next purchase. Perhaps one for your shortlist?