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Type: Posts; User: ShizzyFox

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  1. All the extrusion calibrations has been checked...

    All the extrusion calibrations has been checked and done. But the issue is still there. could a faulty MB be the cause?
  2. Hello again, thanks for the reply. I have sense...

    Hello again, thanks for the reply.
    I have sense your last response look on YouTube for under extrusion and and tried other changes. But all the problems are still there.
    Is there some other issue...
  3. But can under extrusion happen on one side only?...

    But can under extrusion happen on one side only? Because i am seeing in on one side.
  4. Printing problem on Ender 3 after change to 4.2.7 mainboard

    Hello everyone. I am somewhat new to 3d printing. I tuned in the printer when i had the 4.2.2 mainboard and it didn't have any of these issues that are showing up now ( see pictures). Then i changed...
Results 1 to 4 of 4