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Type: Posts; User: Harley Flynn

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  1. Replies

    The heating pan is dangerous for kids as well. If...

    The heating pan is dangerous for kids as well. If you put your hands in the darn hot thing. Of course, if printer is cheap, it's probably made of cheap and not very high-grade parts.
  2. Replies

    Best one that I used yet is craftbot plus. It's...

    Best one that I used yet is craftbot plus. It's not overpriced, so with your budget you can buy even few of them. It's really easy to use and it is more or less safe.
  3. When I was a student - I would love to have 3d...

    When I was a student - I would love to have 3d printer at school. But they actually became popular thing when I was already working with them. It's really interesting and fun thing to do in school....
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