Thanks very much.... I just gave my pi 2 to my son .... doh !!!! Otherwise I could have tried it. Wonder if it would run on the pi zero ??? It would be amazing if it ran on a $6 dollar computer. I'll try it on the pi zero, as I have one.
Printable View
Just tried cloning the repo and running the install. I get
What is needed to set up the virual env?Quote:
------------------------------------Upgrading / Starting Virtual Environment
./ line 54: virtualenv: command not found
\033[31mFAILED Setting up virtual enviroment\033[0m
Actually I got the same problems on my laptop and Xubuntu 14.04.
Error message "need more code" with the, and OpenGL 1.4 limitation with the
And that sucks because my laptop GPU is not able to support a newer version than OpenGL 1.4
I don't have any Peachy Printer yet, so no big deal, but I don't get these high level requirements.
If you run this utility, it will show you what version of OpenGL your video card supports.
OpenGL 2.1 is on almost every system built after 2010. Are your video drivers current? Because no one with a reasonably new machine, even with intel on board graphics, should be having openGL problems. Very strange.
GPU_caps_viewer is saying my laptop has openGL 3.1. However upon trying to launch Peachy after installing, it puts up an error window saying I have only openGL 1.1 and then exits. Doh!!!!!!
Tried the install on my son's MAC and it worked straight away. But it looks as though the Linux and Windows installs have a problem (on my system, it might work for others).
I would be interested to hear how others fared with the install.
How are you running it and on what?????
had to install mesa-utils first, but then glxinfo returned version string of 3.1...... so no idea why the install doesn't work for me!!!!!
I'll do some more digging !!! I can run Peachy on my son's MAC as an interim measure, but not long term as it is a bit like cutting his right arm off LOL.