Help w/ Some Research - Teacher Input Needed
My name is Charles and I have to do some light research for this degree program I am trying to wrap up in Ed. Leadership. I am wondering if anyone here wants to help me out by filling out a survey – might take ten minutes or so - regarding 3D printing and the role it could play in education. I am also posting this in the forum for 3D printing in Education - maybe some teachers in there will see it :D
Some background on me - I have been 3D printing for the last half of the year (yeah, I am a little late to the party and would have been there sooner if Encashment would have approved my request for a 3D printer lol). During that time I have been doing more and more with 3D printing for educational purposes and have enjoyed every minute of it. Along the way I got to thinking about how many other K-12 educators are using 3D printing in their instructional practices or at least desire to do so and how 3D printing communities can guide and influence the decisions educators make regarding the acquisition of 3D printers. My ultimate goal with this research is to gain insight on what teachers are doing with 3D printing , would like to do with 3D printing in their content area, and I also am curious about the variables that are considered when someone purchases or wants to purchase a 3D printer. Some of the questions I am looking to answer through this research are:
1.The variables that are considered when purchasing a 3D printer (by educators, hobbyists, and the general consumer of technology)
2. How educators are using 3D printers in their learning environment or would intend on using the printer in their learning environment.
3. Teacher perception on effectiveness of 3D printer use in their learning environment (those that are currently using one to promote learning).
4. Frequency of usage of 3D printers for instruction
... and several other smaller bits of information regarding 3D printing in education (I kept this mostly related to FFF printers as they are the most affordable and practical for educators to consider owning/using/incorporating into instructional practices).
Today I am asking you to help me out with my research instead of my DaVinci AiO. Your help in contributing to this research would be greatly appreciated. I put together a survey here for data collection purposes: … =send_form
I would greatly appreciate if you could help me out with this. Feel free to pass it along to anyone you know who does 3D printing in a learning environment or as a hobbyist, or any teachers you may know who would be willing to help out.
Thank you for the help.