10" Pegasus problem
Hi am having issues with the X Y Z axis’s, when I jog the axis’s they move but make a loud noise and stop the start again and so on till they reach their desired position but when I press home they move without issue then after homing the axis's X Y axis’s jog fine but Z still makes a loud noise and starts and stops, voltage for the pots are all within suggested range .39-.50, also prints without issue but after printing when the axis's are meant to return to X0 Y0 and Z250 the issue shows up again as shown in linked video. at a total loss as to what is causing the issuehttps://youtu.be/_Alf9k_CBLU
the problem seems to be caused by the z axis somehow
Sorry for the barrage of questions, but there's not a lot of info to go on here.
So homing works fine, and printing works fine. Just manually commanded moves and the X0 Y0 Z250 in your ending gcode don't work. Correct?
The video quality isn't all that great, but I see all three axes moving in each of the movement bursts. Is that correct? Exactly what is going on with the printer during the video? Are you homing, are you jogging, or running gcode, or...? Are you doing something (another command, another button press, etc.) to cause the printer to start another movement burst?
Are you running the firmware that came preinstalled on the board, or have you upgraded to something else? If something else, what, and how did you go about the process of setting the firmware configuration parameters?
Am I correct in assuming the X0 Y0 Z250 you talk about is part of single line added to your gcode end code? Show all of your ending gcode. How are you setting the speed parameter? Note that all on one line will also force a 3-dimensional move that might take forever. Move x&y a little bit... Now move z a little bit... now x&y again... etc. Try simplifying the move planning by putting the X0 Y0 on one line and the Z250 on separate lines. I usually raise Z up before I move x&y to ensure the nozzle doesn't drag across the print.
How are you commanding the jog? From the LCD panel or from host software? If from the LCD, what step size (10mm, 1mm, 0.1mm)? If 0.1mm, do you see the same problem with Z if you try 10mm? If from host software, what host software (Pronterface, Repetier Host, etc.)? Also if from host software, how have you went about configuring it for maximum movement speeds, etc.?
yes they are moving in burst but if i remove the Z250 X and Y move fine, video filmed from the end of a print so its trying to 0 X and Y and rise Z to 250 after that I also jog the X and Y which works fine and jog Z which continues to not work correctly, firmware is marlin which is the recommenced firmware for this printer, the X0 Y0 Z250 have been tried as one line and separate lines, G1 X0 Y0 Z250 (as one line) and G1 X0, G1 Y0, G1 Z250 (as separate lines), using simplify3d to jog movements of 1mm and under doesn't seem to cause a prob but 10mm and over does am using the recommended movement speeds but have tried lowering and increasing them with no real results. think that covers all the questions
Please post all of your ending gcode script. It's important to understand whether you've put the printer into absolute positioning or not, and whether you're including the speed/feedrate settings (the F parameter) in your gcode commands. If not, the printer continues with whatever it was last told... which can lead to very unpredictable results.
turns out the Z axis feed rate was way to high, all fixed now. thanks for taking an interest