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  1. it's a chemical process i interdependently invented a chemical which produces ammonia calcium phosphate , which the process takes about 4 hrs to form , ( including the automated series of chemical reactions to form it ) then it has to dry enough to have it into a powder rock , which then is mixed with glycerin to form Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) which i have currently have the decision to further process it into full poly vinyl

    think of it as a extrude-able plastic clay that could be 3-d printable one of these days

    with starch, brine aloe Vera water , and essential oil with blending similar to blending butter milk

    i know essential oil is alcoholic but its in order to fermentation the milk like cheese ( similar to clay )

    one of these days i can make a company when i am done school and that
  2. View Conversation
    Thanks for your kind words. Can you tell me more about the PVA?
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About postmahomeson

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About postmahomeson
hi i am Tim you might not know me i am tim Postma from google+ , and i done a lot help you , i even had lots of groups to subscribe to me such as 3d hubs , 3d systems , maker bot , and more , the profile picture shows me when i was young for the pop tab contest to support the making of wheelchairs its was my idea pop tab contest and we got 100,000 pop tabs donated it was about between the years 2005 and 2007 , i can be known to be highly intelligent , athletic , known to be honest ,gifted, and magic with sprits , also for most of the 3 summers i helped , fueling the google+ , educating commentors, i already gone political and got results, including got a message from Cat wayne of ontario she loves it, i have been known by my teachers to memorize whole books , even the whole criminal code of Canada ,and i can hold onto it until i over focus on other things
thank you
3d-printing,real magic, guns , science , diy , inventor


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07-29-2017 09:38 AM
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