The Armenian Heritage Park is home to public works of art dedicated to the memory of immigrants who entered America by way of Boston's port. Made possible by benefactors and generous organizations, the park’s architect, Don Tellalian, wanted to create a thoughtful gift for those who made the park possible. With the help of Munson3D and NE3DP, a reseller and supplier of Mcor technology, Tellalian and the team decided to make a 3D printed replica of the Armenian Heritage Park’s dodecahedron. They chose the Mcor IRIS 3D printer because of its unique material — paper. Due to the IRIS’ use of paper as its material, they were able to produce larger replicas for less, and also produced a more durable handheld replica of the sculpture. Read more in the full article:

Below is a look at 3D printed replicas of the dodecahedron: