A time capsule created in 1914 by the Lower Wall Street Business Men’s Association was recently opened in New York. The New York Historical Society, also known as the keepers of the capsule, unveiled the contents and found a fascinating picture of the priorities and experiences of the capsule’s creators. The NYHS then turned to local high school students to curate a collection of objects that could be put into a time capsule for 2064. One of those objects is a 3D printed model of the World Trade Center. This may be the first time a 3D printed object has been included in a time capsule and raises many questions both about how it will be perceived by those who open the capsule and how it will fair during the 50 year long wait. More details on this time capsule can be found here:http://3dprint.com/19919/3d-print-time-capsule/

Below are some of the contests of the capsule: